Chicago voyeurism

I stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago recently. I rather like the hotel – the rooms are nice, the smellies in the bathroom are pretty good and it has a reasonably spacious gym (ie not a broom closet for a change) that’s open 24 hours. The best thing of all is that it has wonderful sheets (shame I had to get up crazy early to catch the train out of town).

Anyway, this time I was in a great corner room with views all the way down Michigan avenue. Wih so many windows you could see anyone in the buildings around and they could see you. (It was like that awful film with Sharen Stone where everyone has a telescope to spy on everyone else). Most disconcerting of all was the large plate glass window next to the shower. Turns out it is the perfect place for exhibitionists too. Before you wonder – the bathroom blinds remained firmly down.

Hard Rock hotel

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