Who’d have a child today?

Seriously – it must be horrendous to have children today. Not because the little darlings are more demanding or influenced by that heady cocktail of E numbers and advertising but because other parents are so judgemental. No matter what parents seem to choose, from type of buggy, feed, clothing, whether to work etc they get judged by others THE WHOLE TIME.

What’s made me think of this? Well I was in a shoe shop the other day (I know, I know, hold the front page…). Anyway I was browsing, minding my own business when I turned the corner and started to browse down an aisle towards a mother and her daughter. The daughter seemed to be just pre – that dressing-like-a-prostitute phase, so maybe about 9 years old. She was wearing 4 inch leopard print stilettos. I did not bat an eyelid (this was DWS after all and I’ve seen men in more alarming footwear). Still, the mother (wearing identical shoes  btw) felt obliged to tell me ” she’s not buying them, it’s just for fun”.

What has the world come to when young girls can’t play dress up in a shop without parents feeling like the have to justify it? And actually I don’t care if your 9 year old does wear stilettoes. Ok not good for growing feet but there are worse things.*  Seriously who’d be a parent nowadays?

*Such as those Clarkes brown (yes brown – urgh) ‘sensible’ shoes I had to wear at school until I was 16. The shame.

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