Up close and personal with Beijing traffic
Posted by Anya in Activities on November 13, 2010
Another highlight of the trip was my whistlestop tour of Beijing by night in a motorcycle sidecar. I’d been in Beijing for a week – but given my work commitments I hadn’t really seen that much other than a couple of cheeky lunctime excursions to the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. So the sidecar seemed like a good way to pack as much into a couple of hours as possible,
Once in it, it took me a while to get over the distinct feeling that I was in a Wallace and Gromit film (I mean who else has a sidecar – apart from perhaps one of the two fat ladies?) and just about to perform a sheep-based acrobatic display.
Actually it was great fun and we covered a lot of ground. I think the biggest impression this left on me is how much Beijing is changing. Thanks to the Olympics, a great deal is brand new – a really great underground system (with English stop signs – hurrah) and some really amazing architecture. Some well known examples are the Olympic stadium birdsnest and the Opera House Egg – both visually stunning, but there are many other buildings that are really very impressive.
At night the city is stunning –I saw Tiannamen Square, the bright lights of the bars and restaurants along the canal, the streets with thousands of lanterns. My favourite bits were the Hutongs – the mazes of narrow alleys that used to be everywhere in Beijing and are now slowly disappearing. Some were the gentrified Hutongs, with chi-chi restaurants and nice shops, others were more authentic. The bike could easily navigate areas where a car could not – it felt like I was watching a slice of local life – watching the man doing unmentionable things to a chicken carcass in the street, the piles of cabbage stacked everywhere, the street sellers selling everything and anything and the general bustle of people.
Zooming along so close to everything was great, but one of the highlights was actually having a go. It was a bit surreal – riding a bike and sidecar around the middle road of the Forbidden City. It’s a really weird thing to ride as it doesn’t feel like a motorbike at all but certainly an experience I won’t forget in a hurry.
I think the biggest surprise for me was the fact that I really liked the city. Aside from the smog, it’s a vibrant place with charming people. I actually think I could live there.
My trip to the Great Wall.
Posted by Anya in Uncategorized on November 12, 2010
On my day off during my visit to Beijing I visited the Great Wall. It really was the most amazing experience – completely breathtaking scenery and a challenging enough route to give me a real sense of accomplishment. I’m still smiling.
I’d undertaken some research about where to go. Most tours seem to go to a couple of the sections quite close to Beijing. Most of these have been significantly renovated, or rather rebuilt to the extent that they are far from authentic – in fact some people refer to these bits as “the Disney Wall”. Also, with car parks and gondolas making it so easy to get to these sections, they are packed with visitors – not ideal for my planned weekend visit.
So I found a tour that was more up my street – a guided viist to Jiankao –an area that is original, remote and quite rugged.
The hike totally exceeded my expectations – not least of all because of the feeling of accomplishment I felt at the end of the hike. My guide asked me on the way up if I preferred a flat section or a more up and down section. I figured that the up and down bits would be more interesting so off we set. When we got there it quickly became apparent that “up and down” translated from the original Chinese means “vertical ascents and descents”. So much of the time on the wall was spent literally scrambling up or down sections of the wall that had crumbled. It wasn’t *quite* rock climbing as the bricks and side walls made for great hand and footholds but it was certainly close. An bearing in mind that the wall was build essentially along a mountain ridge it was a long way down. It was only when I was clinging onto one of the trickier sections that I remembered the guide’s apparently conversational enquiry in the car whether I was scared of heights… Afterwards he told me that he has had to virtually winch some people up on a rope when they were paralysed with previously unencounterd vertigo. Yikes!
The fact that this section really was off the beaten track meant that the whole day we saw only approx a dozen people, all Chinese, and only near the paths from the nearby village. The rest of the time, we were pretty much alone with the wall and the spectacular scenery. The absence of people made it much easier to appreciate the sheer feat of engineering. Some sections that were partially crumbling allow you to see all the brickwork that went into building it. Every single rock had to be carried up a mountain. It’s just mindboggling.
The scenery was breathtaking. Ruggedly corrugated mountains stretch to the horizon on all sides, with the wall snaking along the mountain ridge. I felt like I was standing on the top of the world. I know people say this is one of the wonders of the world – but it takes seeing it up close to appreciate the sheer audacity of building thousands of miles of wall across a seriously inhospitable landscape. I can’t help wondering how the intial orders went down. “Right lads, we’re going to build the biggest wall EVER to keep the Mongols out.” “But the mountains keep the Mongols out. “That right we’ll build it on top of the mountains.” You can only have respect for those folk. Now if only we could get them working on some much easier road projects closer to home…roads nearer to home.
Check out some more of the pictures here.
Beijing curiosities
Posted by Anya in Uncategorized on November 12, 2010
I’ve been in Beijing all week. I have been surprised to find that I really liked it (apart from the smog – OMG). It’s certainly an intriguing place – right in the middle of an extraordinary amount of change. Some random observations in no particular order:
– the hotel changed the carpet in the lifts every day to tell you what day of the week it was – helpful when friends and family are a whole day away.
– Riding a motorcycle with Side Car around the Forbidden City at night – mad! More to come on this…
– why are taxi drivers all such con artists? I might be foreign but I’m not buying the “ there’s lots of traffic and a longer way back”. Just put it on the meter and stop mucking around.
– Wow the air quality is bad. Various organisations such as Greenpeace and the US embassy publish hourly airquality updates.
– Chinese Personal space is not very large – I guess it can’t be. In the underground that makes for some close encounters (eek). It also extends to traffic, with pedestrians, bicycles and cars manouevering at speed between people and cars just inches from each other (scary).
– Beijing has approx 4.5 MILLION cars. Most of them are less than three years old. Most of the drivers have held a licence for less than three years. That’s pretty darn scary if you think about it.
– the weirdest item of clothing I saw was crochet hot pants. Yes. Crochet hot pants.
– The best meal I had was a hot box – a sort of Chinese fondue that’s integrated into the table. The box is filled with water/ stock and spices and once it is boiling you cook thin strips of meat and veg in it. Once that’s done you bung in the noodles and have noodle soup. Great!
– The airport just seems to work. Who’d have thought!It’s now one of the top ten airports in the world – I can believe it. One weird thing however is that they have an extra bag check at the gate for international flights where they take any liquids off you. Annoying if like me you like to buy water for the flight as it’s hard to stay hydrated with the frequency of United glass refills…
Fuelling irritation
Posted by Anya in Uncategorized on November 5, 2010
I often drive through New Jersey (or Noo Joysey as the locals call it) as it is only twenty minutes from home. However if I am in or near there I will make a significant detour to avoid filling up with petrol. Why? Because all the petrol stations are “Full Service”. While that sounds fairly promising, it just means that they won’t let you operate the pumps yourself.
How does it work? You pull up next to the pump as usual. Then you sit there apparently invisible while the pump attendants lie in hiding. The only way you can get them to appear Mr Ben-like, is when you get out of the car and start messing with the pump/ paying for your petrol. At that point a usually bad tempered and dishevelled character appears like Mr Ben, transfers it a total of nine inches to the payment machine on the pump. They then generally need help getting the slightly fiddly petrol cap off before they set the pumps to dispense. One useful thing here in the US is a little prong on the pump handle that allows it to dispense until cut-off without you having to go to the trouble of holding the handle in. That’s presumably because, thanks to the enormous gas-guzzling blancmange mobiles they drive here, holding that pump might get perilously close to exercise. Anyway, my car has a small tank (about 9 US gallons if you are interested) so it fills up pretty quickly. Which generally means I then have to sit there waiting for the chap to take it out again…
Now I think there’s an extra charge embedded in the price of petrol for all this value adding service. I wouldn’t mind QUITE so much if they actually did something useful, such as checking your oil or cleaning your windscreen like they used to do in some of Continental Europe. But they don’t. The only small benefit is if it is really cold out, and you can sit in the warmth of the car. Mostly.
My first proper US Halloweeen
Posted by Anya in Activities, Stuff that's different and weird on November 2, 2010
This year we had family to visit over Halloween. It was fantastic to welcome our first houseguest family now that we have the room to put them up, but the best bit was they brought children. This meant that we got to do all those things that we never usually do for Halloween.
Halloween is really big business here. The scale of the activites is mind blowing – every farmer with a field has some sot of activities on offer and the shops are packed with Halloween merchandise, costumes, sweets, decorations, cards, pumpkin flavoured anything you can think of….
We went for the full on US experience – (clearly all for the benefit of the kids…) First we went on a hayride (a tractor pulling some trailers with bales of straw you can sit on) and went to choose our own pumpkins from a pumpkin patch. This was obviously followed by as pumpkin carving frenzy, which involved disemboweled pumpkins all over the kitchen.
We also decorated the front porch. I thought we’d done a pretty good job -we had lots of spiderwebs, pumpkins and the piece de resistance was the sound activated spider that pounced on anyone walking on the porch.
It wasn’t until we went out trick or treating with the kids that we realised quite how much people make an effort about Halloween. ALL the kids have costumes –we saw some great ones – my personal favourite was someone dressed as the shower from Psycho, complete with shower rings and curtain. They were slightly incongruously followed by the psycho body scrub. Or was it the psycho loofah? I’m not sure (I don’t think I’ll ever get used to all the non scary costumes – the ladybirds, superheros and princesses.)
It turns out that many people in town make a HUGE effort with decorations – not just a few pumpkins but lights, dummies, things that light up, electonic bats that flap around. My favourite Halloween house was the one that set up a big video screen on the porch and sat around watching scary movies, all the while dispensing sweeties to the hoardes of children. And there really were hoardes of them…all roaming the streets in an Enumber fuelled frenzy.
NB: No of course we didn’t actually go trick or treating! We followed the kids round with a beer wagon! We did get dressed up the night before for a party though…
You know you are in America when: you have a trash chute
Posted by Anya in Uncategorized on October 28, 2010
I never saw a real live trash chute before coming to America. I’d seen them on TV – particularly on episodes of Friends. I am sure the Friends chute starred in at least one programme thanks to an incident with a pizza box getting stuck.
Maybe it is just because it is un-American to actually walk any further than strictly necessary that they have chutes. I understand that they are useful but I can’t help but find them slightly sinister.
There’s a chute in my weekday apartment in DC. It’s mouth is fairly innocuous – in a small room next to the lift. I mostly try to avoid it because of what might lurk at the other end. I could be imagining it but I think I can hear a distant rumbling when I feed something to the mouth of the chute – possibly some strange and scary mechanical beast that wakes when you bring it offerings. Or it could be the rubbish falling on other rubbish …but I’m not sure.
Tax return season finally over
Posted by Anya in Uncategorized on October 24, 2010
Phew. It’s gone 15th October and my tax returns are finally submitted right on the extended deadline. US tax returns are a COMPLETE mystery to me. In my time in the UK I always paid tax via PAYE – very occasionally I even got the odd small refund. There isn’t a PAYE system here (at least I don’t think so) – you have to file your own. But you don’t file just ONE return – that would be way too easy. There are multiple different ones – a Federal one, a state one and a local one. Confusing or what?
I was lucky enough to have had my former employer pay for my tax returns to be done for 2008. This year (2009 return) I was pretty much on my own. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. For a start I ignored the letters from the local tax collection group – I assumed that any dodgy looking organisation asking for 1-2% of my hard earned cash had to be a scam. It turns out it wasn’t a scam… Then there’s the state tax, which varies from state to state (eg 0% in Nevada, about 6% in Pennsylvania and a whopping 10% of global income in near bunkrupt California).
I know what you are thinking – how hard can it be to calculate a percentage of whatever you earn? Not hard. The challenge is that this whole system is designed for you to be able to submit deductions for various obscure things. Which is why people employ highly creative accountants to ensure that they pay the least possible amount of tax. And the forms are so complicated that it is nearly impossible to work out where the numbers go. Nightmare.
Anyway after a healthy amount of procrastination, I extended the April deadline (the very simple online form to do this makes me think this is rather common) and got some help from accountants. My aim for this year is to start collecting a whole pile of things to deduct for next year’s forms. Thank goodness I finally managed to convince the UK tax folk that I didn’t need to do one of of their returns too.
Negative electioneering – US style
Posted by Anya in Uncategorized on October 24, 2010
It’s election season here again and don’t we know it – every front garden seems to be infested with red or blue flags promoting a selection of sinisterly smiling heads. The TV and radio also have a surprisingly enormous number of ads. That’s not unusual – bu what is particularly notable about this election is the sheer number of negative ads, that really attack candidates in a highly persona way.
This is to a large extent because of a remarkable law change. The bottom line is that there is no longer a ban on corporations spending unlimited amounts of money on broadcast political ads in the run up to elections. That’s limitless money to spend on ads supporting or opposing candidates. Bizarrely individual contributors continue to have limits on their donations direct to candidates or parties.
According to The New York Times: For the first time, though, as a result of the [Citizens United] ruling, corporations will be able to spend unlimited amounts of money on “electioneering communications” (i.e., broadcast advertisements) expressly advocating for a candidate’s election or defeat. While the court upheld the ban on direct contributions from corporations or unions to candidates, it also clears the way, for the first time, for corporations to donate money to nonprofit groups that place advocacy advertisements.
Nothing is sacred – military history, personal finances, voting history, family life. I’ve always believed that when you are promoting your product or service it is far more dignified and professional to focus on its benefits rather than the shortcomings of competitors’ products. Clearly this is not a belief shared by many of the groups sponsoring ads. Bring on the elections is all I can say so this nonsense can finally end. Until next time.
Who’d have a child today?
Posted by Anya in Uncategorized on September 18, 2010
Seriously – it must be horrendous to have children today. Not because the little darlings are more demanding or influenced by that heady cocktail of E numbers and advertising but because other parents are so judgemental. No matter what parents seem to choose, from type of buggy, feed, clothing, whether to work etc they get judged by others THE WHOLE TIME.
What’s made me think of this? Well I was in a shoe shop the other day (I know, I know, hold the front page…). Anyway I was browsing, minding my own business when I turned the corner and started to browse down an aisle towards a mother and her daughter. The daughter seemed to be just pre – that dressing-like-a-prostitute phase, so maybe about 9 years old. She was wearing 4 inch leopard print stilettos. I did not bat an eyelid (this was DWS after all and I’ve seen men in more alarming footwear). Still, the mother (wearing identical shoes btw) felt obliged to tell me ” she’s not buying them, it’s just for fun”.
What has the world come to when young girls can’t play dress up in a shop without parents feeling like the have to justify it? And actually I don’t care if your 9 year old does wear stilettoes. Ok not good for growing feet but there are worse things.* Seriously who’d be a parent nowadays?
*Such as those Clarkes brown (yes brown – urgh) ‘sensible’ shoes I had to wear at school until I was 16. The shame.
Ooh la la – Paris gets friendly
Posted by Anya in Uncategorized on September 13, 2010
As you can see from the picture – I’ve just been to Paris. I thought an image of a pigeon and the Eiffel tower were about as Paris-y as it gets. But did I just rock up, take the picture and go? I did not. I stood there for a good 15 minutes waiting for the feathered rat to stop cleaning its own backside.
It’s that sort of courtesy that I was bracing myself for – previous trips to Paris (last time approx 12 years ago) left me expecting condescending service, that whole pretense of not understanding my poor but not totally useless French…
I couldn’t have been more wrong. Everyone was charming – the hotel staff couldn’t do enough for us, waiters and waitresses brought what I had asked for (and let’s face it, over a decade of not using a language rarely improves it) and people in shops were friendly and helpful.* So now there’s absolutely nothing to dislike about Paris. Apart from the pigeons of course.
*In the spirit of full disclosure – the Charles De Gaulle United check-in and ground staff were as surly as ever but I wouldn’t hold that against Paris specifically.